Making sure that the details are correct when planning the board meeting is crucial for ensuring a productive session. Board meetings typically have specific outcomes that must be achieved, including report-writing, decision-making and strategic discussions. To make sure your meeting will meet these items, here are a few essential points to be aware of.

The day before your board meeting, confirm all the attendees and their attendance plans. Determine how you will supply the equipment or links to remote directors who might be required to attend the meeting via video call. Make sure to also check whether the venue is available and plan any catering or additional items needed for the meeting.

Make a draft agenda for your meeting using the information in your board’s document and any concerns or requests the board chair and executive directors might have. Avoid last-minute scrambles by having a draft agenda prepared before the meeting.

The first item on the agenda should be a thorough review of the company’s performance since the last board meeting, focusing on significant milestones and accomplishments as well as areas where the organization might need to focus more attention. Examine ways that the company can move forward with new growth strategies. This could include discussing the possibility of new markets, customer support policies, investor relations or hiring new employees.