In a time of reduced monetary investment for science and research, data sharing can provide researchers with the opportunity to collaborate and connect with other researchers to carry out important new studies. This can also increase efficiency by giving researchers to build on the work of others, rather than having them replicate previous research.

Data sharing tools can be used to unify teams, improve efficiency and decision making, and encourage innovation across departments. This is why it’s crucial to choose a data sharing tool that can meet the speed, scale, and management requirements of your business.

In the past, to share data between various parts of an organization, users have had to manually slice and dice data they wish to share and then create copies that are visible to customers on their end. This can lead to security concerns (recreating copies of the same data across multiple locations can be risky) and can be an administrative burden from a data management standpoint.

The Databricks Delta Sharing platform enables users to create a single, dynamic view of their most critical, real-time data. The shared data can be instantly consumed by multiple business stakeholders across a wide variety of applications, including Databricks and non-Databricks platforms. This allows analytics teams to spend more of their time on analysis and less on manual work such as creating reports for internal business stakeholders or answering tickets from IT. This results in better decision-making, faster projects and higher productivity.