In an age where data is the king, it is no wonder why virtual data rooms are now an essential tool for a lot of businesses. They enable the secure and efficient storage and sharing of documents between employees as well as with external parties. VDRs aren’t only for M&A or due diligence. They can be used in a variety of ways. For instance, businesses often opt to create strategic partnerships with other companies as a way to develop new products or enter new markets, and these partnerships require a lot of document sharing.

As the demand for VDRs grew, vendors were quick to make use of this opportunity and develop solutions that could meet that need. As a result, VDR providers have come far from their humble beginnings. The initial majority of these solutions were based on connections to Financial Printing companies: Intralinks, RR Donnelly and Merrills all had their own data room solutions and Sterling launched iRooms.

The increasing acceptance of virtual data rooms continued and according to IBISWorld, revenues generated from this category of software reached more than $800 million in 2017. While some vendors offer the basic software with no support or training some have dedicated teams available for customers and provide an entire suite of tools that simplify the M&A process.

CapLinked is a good example. CapLinked allows users to access and manage all necessary information needed to conduct a transaction from any location and on any device. Its capabilities include the ability to create multiple projects, control access with customized permissions and add NDAs, apply watermarks and branding, add notes or Q&As that are specific to the project and set up automatic indexing. CapLinked allows you to schedule reports that are sent to users via email, so they’re always aware of any changes to your project.